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Collaboration starts here 🙌🏻
Book your meeting with the Lunit Team

📅  Exhibition: Feb. 28th – March 2nd, 2024 (10 AM to 5 PM)
📌 Location: Expo X1, AI area, Booth AI-15, Austria Center Vienna, Austria 🇦🇹

Experience our AI Solutions
during ECR 2024

📣 Visit the Lunit Booth (AI-15) :

  1. Exclusive Insights: get an in-depth understanding of our solutions and how they can elevate your diagnostic capabilities 
  2. Live demonstrations: witness firsthand how Lunit’s AI can enhance your workflow
  3. Take on the INSIGHT Challenge, to test your skills against our AI software and your peers!
  4. Attend our AI Lightning Talk, ‘A 6-month update on Live implementation of AI in Breast Cancer Screening: AI as the 2nd reader’ (February 29th, 2024 | 10:10-10:16 @AI Theatre)
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Check the details of what you will get below

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🥇 Meet Lunit AI Solution for Chest X-ray has proven
best in lung nodule detection

In a study published in Radiology (Jan 2024)[1], researchers from the Radboud University Medical Center assessed the standalone performance of, commercially available AI solutions for chest X-ray validated their standalone performance.

All 14 vendors of CE-marked AI software for lung nodule detection on chest X-rays were invited to take part in this research. Among them, Lunit INSIGHT CXR had the highest performance (AUC) and also outperformed all human readers, solidifying its position as the leading solution for lung nodule detection.

>> Click to read the full Journal

[1] Kicky G. van Leeuwen, MSc et al. Comparison of Commercial AI Software Performance for Radiograph Lung Nodule Detection and Bone Age Prediction. Radiology. 2024

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Introducing Lunit INSIGHT CXR – ECR webpage (3)
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✨ Take a Sneak Peek into Lunit's program at ECR 2024

| 6 abstracts featuring Lunit will be presented

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| AI Theater Presentation

Following the ScreenTrustCAD1 results which supported Lunit AI as a viable alternative to one human reader in Europe’s double-reading system for Breast Cancer Screening, Lunit was implemented as the second reader at Capio S:t Göran Hospital, Sweden’s largest private hospital, in the summer of 2023. Six months after the implementation, what are the updates and impacts? Join this session to find out.

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| Participation in Deepc's Panel Discussion 

One of our medical Directors of Lunit will participate in a Panel Discussion organized by DeepC. She will share her insight on AI solution evaluation before being deployed to the hospital. Make sure to attend to hear input from various industry players!

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Explore Lunit AI Solutions for Radiologists

Lunit INSIGHT CXR, AI Solution for Chest X-ray

▪︎ Detects and locates 10 abnormal radiological findings
▪︎ Supports tuberculosis screening
▪︎ 97-99% AUROC
▪︎ 254K Training Data

Introducing Lunit INSIGHT CXR – ECR webpage (3)

Lunit INSIGHT MMG, AI Solution for 2D Mammography

▪︎ Enhances your mammography reading performance
▪︎ Density Assessment (*not available in the US)
▪︎ 180K Training Data

Introducing Lunit INSIGHT DBT – ECR webpage (3)

Lunit INSIGHT DBT, AI Solution for Tomosynthesis

▪︎ Bring advanced AI to 3D mammography
Accelerates your 3D mammography reading speed

Introducing Lunit INSIGHT MMG – ECR webpage (3)

Find out how Lunit can elevate your diagnostic capabilities.